Digital Workspace vs Digital Workplace: How are they different?

Digital Workspace vs Digital Workplace: How are they different?

3 min read

Most people use the terms ‘Digital Workspace’ and ‘Digital Workplace’ interchangeably and believe they both have similar connotations. This is a common misconception as these two terms are as different as chalk and cheese.

Digital Workspace

The word ‘Digital Workspace’ is frequently thrown around in the cybersecurity arena. In layman’s terms, Digital Workspace denotes a virtual workstation that manages data efficiently and helps you perform your tasks securely from any remote device or network. Some of the key components of this integrated technology structure consist of:

  1. Virtual application and virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)
  2. Secure remote access to SaaS applications
  3. Single Sign-On (SSO) of apps and desktop
  4. Integrated endpoint management and data control
  5. Application and data consolidation and workflow automation

What is Digital Workplace?

Digital Workplace is a unified work platform where the employees of an organization can interact and collaborate while working remotely. It is a cloud-based platform that allows your employees to work together securely and seamlessly without interruption, even when they are not physically present on the office premises. A digital workplace fosters a sound corporate culture and enhances employee interaction and coordination. Digital workplace helps in saving time and money by automating repetitive tasks.

A digital workplace allows employees to:

  1. Collaborate across different teams using online tools
  2. Resolve issues through online interaction and discussion
  3. Skip repetitive tasks by automating them
  4. Integrate and work on third-party apps for information dissemination

Digital Workspace vs Digital Workplace

Here are a few crucial differences between the two:

Sl. No. Points of Difference Digital Workspace Digital Workplace
1 Definition It is a virtual desktop which replaces the traditional desktop or workstations or cubicles in offices. This technology framework manages, controls & centralizes the assets, applications, and data of an organization. It is a cloud-based environment and digital conference room where team members virtually collaborate through meetings and access common workspaces such as tools or other corporate resources.
2 Flexibility This is quite flexible and task specific. Employees can enjoy the flexibility of working in a private space to perform their daily deliverables. This is a fixed platform that offers a centralized location to store and access all work-related documents and relevant resources per their requirements.
3 Usability It is a simple and useful tool to collaborate and enhance employees’ productivity. It is an integrated technology framework used to securely access applications and data in real-time from any remote device or location. It is a collaboration tool and not a SaaS application to enhance employees’ productivity. It is extensively used to streamline processes, track project statuses, and automate repetitive tasks.
4 Security A digital workspace provides secure access to corporate resources and makes it easier for remote employees to embrace the latest technologies and the cloud. Although a digital workplace has an environment where team members virtually meet and collaborate, there is uncertainty and disengagement among remote workers.
5 Nature & Size After analyzing its nature and size, it is easier for an organization to onboard a digital workspace which is not just secure but boosts the productivity and agility of the employees too. A digital workplace is bigger than a digital workspace and is more expensive. It becomes a hazard as it is lossy and difficult to control many things that you may not need access to.
5 Inter-dependence A digital workspace is a component of the digital workplace and is ideally the place where all the work happens. A digital workplace is independent like a tree with many branches and provides access to a huge pool of business applications and data.

Wrapping Up

Organizations use a digital workspace for remote employees so that they’re able to securely access business applications and stay productive while performing their daily deliverables. Having the right digital workspace ensures enhanced security for employees and makes them more flexible to embrace the latest technologies.

If you’re looking for an integrated digital workspace for remote access through virtualization/VDI and a secure access gateway for your hybrid work set-up, choose Accops Digital Workspace solution and contact our support team today! With our safe and stable functionality, remote access has become more straightforward and accessible for end-users.