How Accops Helps Businesses Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

How Accops Helps Businesses Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

3 min read

In the face of a changing climate, corporations around the world have committed to reducing their carbon footprints. One company helping businesses achieve these sustainability goals is Accops, a leading provider of workspace virtualization and secure remote access solutions.

This blog will explain how Accops can assist businesses in reducing their Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions, effectively contributing to a greener planet.

Curtailing Scope 1 Emissions

Scope 1 emissions are those that originate directly from sources owned or controlled by an organization—like the emissions from furnaces in buildings or vehicles in transportation fleets. One key way that Accops assists in reducing these emissions is through their Work from Anywhere (WFA) solutions.

Accops' remote work solutions have the potential to drastically reduce a business's physical (i.e., office) footprint. The traditional office set-up—with its heating, cooling, and lighting requirements—produces a significant volume of direct emissions. By enabling remote work, Accops solutions decrease the demand for these systems.

For example, imagine a growing business that, instead of expanding its physical office space, adopts work from anywhere model. This would keep the company's direct emissions constant despite its growth, helping to curb its overall carbon footprint. This approach also reduces the need for a large number of employees to congregate in a single location, further minimizing emissions.

Moreover, Accops' solutions can help alleviate congestion in major cities. By allowing employees to work remotely, fewer people need to commute daily, resulting in reduced emissions from transportation—a significant contributor to Scope 1 emissions.

Mitigating Scope 2 Emissions

This Scope 2 emissions are those that result from the production of electricity, steam, heating, and cooling consumed by a company. Here too, Accops has valuable offerings—specifically, their thin clients.

Accops thin clients are small, efficient devices that connect to a central server to access applications and storage. These devices can reduce electrical consumption by up to 90% over a span of 5-7 years, drastically slashing a company's Scope 2 emissions. The thin clients achieve this efficiency by having no moving parts, thus generating less heat and subsequently reducing the need for energy-consuming air conditioning.

For instance, a company that replaces traditional desktop computers with Accops thin clients in a large office could significantly reduce its energy demand. This reduced consumption means less fuel is needed to power generators, contributing to a lower carbon footprint.

Influencing Scope 3 Emissions

Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions that occur in a company's value chain. These can be the most challenging to influence and measure, but Accops has proven strategies for addressing this area as well.

By enhancing productivity, extending the life of assets, simplifying security access control architecture, and implementing operational efficiencies, Accops creates an enabling context for reducing energy consumption and effort. For example, Accops helps increase productivity by up to 90% through centralized management of software applications and removing the need for physical IT support for each desktop/laptop.

Furthermore, Accops allows companies to reuse or repurpose old laptops or desktops, which reduces e-waste and extends the life of these assets. For example, old laptops can be turned into thin client devices using Accops' solutions, bypassing the need for immediate disposal and new purchases.

A Comprehensive Solution for Sustainability

Accops provides businesses with a comprehensive solution that not only improves their operations but also significantly contributes to environmental sustainability. By facilitating the reduction of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, Accops enables businesses to take strides towards their sustainability targets, making it a win-win solution for businesses and the environment.

In conclusion, the role of corporations in mitigating climate change is becoming increasingly crucial. Accops' solutions exemplify how companies can align their business operations with the imperative of environmental sustainability. By adopting Accops' solutions, businesses can enjoy lower total cost of ownership, enhanced network security, reduced complexity, and increased operational efficiencies, all while contributing to a healthier, greener planet.