VDI in manufacturing: The indispensable fortress for securing your digital future

VDI in manufacturing: The indispensable fortress for securing your digital future

4 min read

The manufacturing industry is in the throes of a technological revolution, driven by Industry 4.0 innovations such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and advanced robotics. These advancements are reshaping factory floors, delivering unparalleled efficiency and productivity. However, this digital transformation also brings with it an increasingly complex cyber threat landscape, making robust security measures more critical than ever. 

A 2024 survey revealed that 64% of manufacturing firms experienced a cyberattack within the last year, underscoring the urgent need for enhanced security. These attacks, often financially motivated, target critical systems like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). A breach in these systems can result in significant financial losses, production downtime, and even safety hazards for plant workers. 

VDI: The Strategic Defense for Modern Manufacturing 

As manufacturing continues to evolve, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) has emerged as a pivotal defense mechanism, uniquely suited to address the complex challenges that modern manufacturing faces. VDI centralizes desktops and applications within a secure data center or cloud environment, offering a comprehensive security solution that extends beyond traditional methods. 

Why VDI is Essential for Manufacturers 

  • Airtight Security: With data breaches costing manufacturers an average of $4.35 million per incident (IBM, 2023), VDI offers a robust defense by centralizing sensitive data and applications in a secure environment, significantly reducing the attack surface. Isolating user devices from critical systems also helps mitigate insider threats, which accounted for 27% of attacks in the manufacturing sector in 2024. 
  • Effortless Regulatory Compliance: Manufacturers operate under stringent regulatory frameworks like NIST and ISO 27001. VDI simplifies compliance through centralized management and enforcement of security policies, updates, and access controls. This approach ensures consistent adherence across all virtual desktops, reducing the risk of non-compliance due to human error. 
  • Operational Efficiency & Cost Reduction: VDI streamlines IT management by centralizing updates and patch management, eliminating the need to maintain individual devices. This frees up valuable IT resources and enables the repurposing of older hardware as thin clients, extending their lifespan and reducing capital expenditures. 
  • Empowered, Agile Workforce: VDI provides your workforce with secure, on-demand access to virtual desktops from any authorized device, fostering a flexible and productive work environment. This flexibility is crucial for modern manufacturing, where teams often work across different locations and shifts. 
  • Resilience and Disaster Recovery: VDI enhances business continuity and disaster recovery capabilities by centralizing data and applications. In the event of hardware failure or a cyberattack, virtual desktops can be quickly restored, minimizing downtime and ensuring operational resilience. 

Accops HyWorks: VDI Reimagined for Manufacturing 

Accops redefines the traditional, fragmented approach to digital workspaces with a unified suite that seamlessly integrates workspace virtualization (VDI), Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), and adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) & Single Sign-On (SSO). This comprehensive solution creates a digital environment that is both fortified and adaptable, perfectly suited to the unique demands of the manufacturing sector. 

Here’s how Accops can transform your digital workspace: 

  • Comprehensive, Integrated Solution: Accops HyWorks combines remote access, application virtualization, VDI, MFA, identity federation, SSO, and thin client technology into a seamless, all-in-one solution that simplifies IT management and enhances security. 
  • Simplified Compliance: HyWorks helps you navigate the complexities of industry regulations with ease, ensuring that your sensitive data remains protected at all times. Centralized management tools guarantee consistent compliance with regulatory frameworks, reducing the risk of non-compliance. 
  • Intelligent, Zero-Trust Access: Implement granular access controls that adapt to various contexts, including time, location, device, network, and user behavior. By integrating ZTNA into the HyWorks suite, every user and device is verified before access is granted, ensuring a secure environment without compromising productivity. 
  • Empower Your Workforce, Anywhere: Provide your workforce with seamless, on-demand access to office PCs and internal applications securely from any location, using any device. This flexibility is essential for maintaining productivity across geographically dispersed teams. 
  • Application Isolation: Protect against data leakage and malware attacks by running critical applications in isolated environments. HyWorks ensures that your most sensitive operations remain insulated from external threats. 
  • Redefined Authentication: HyWorks’ integrated adaptive MFA goes beyond passwords, using real-time risk assessment to proactively block unauthorized access attempts. It supports a wide range of authentication factors, including push notifications, OTP, biometrics, hardware tokens, and passwordless options like QR codes and FIDO keys. 
  • Balanced Security and Productivity: Our frictionless SSO and passwordless options streamline user access while maintaining robust security, enhancing productivity without sacrificing safety. 
  • BYOD & Vendor Enablement: Enable employees and third-party vendors to use their preferred devices without compromising security or efficiency. Accops’ solutions support a wide range of devices, ensuring secure and controlled access in a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) environment. 
  • Proactive Data Protection: Prevent unauthorized data exchanges between user endpoints and corporate networks. HyWorks’ proactive data protection features safeguard your organization against data leaks and unauthorized access. 


In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, VDI is a strategic imperative for manufacturers seeking to secure their operations, ensure compliance, and empower their workforce. Accops HyWorks is designed to meet the unique challenges of the manufacturing industry, delivering a unified, secure, and adaptable digital workspace. 

Contact us at contact@accops.com to discover how Accops can help you secure, streamline, and elevate your manufacturing operations.